Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Poser Surfboard Goes to...

First, I want to say thank you so much to everyone who entered the Poser surfboard contest. You’re awesome.

We processed all the entries and submitted them to Random.org, and the results are in. I’m excited to announce the custom Poser board goes to the Dannecker Family in San Diego, CA. I’m sure they will love it a lot!!

It was so great to get your entries from all over the country. You made me wish I could’ve given all of you a board! I hope to hold another cool contest like this in the future, so I’ll keep you in the loop.

I'd like to once again thank Christian Budroe of CSH who teamed up with us to offer this board.

Thank you!
Thank you Christian Budroe of CSH!

The Poser Surfboard Goes to...

First, I want to say thank you so much to everyone who entered the Poser surfboard contest. You’re awesome.

We processed all the entries and submitted them to Random.org, and the results are in. I’m excited to announce the custom Poser board goes to the Dannecker Family in San Diego, CA. I’m sure they will love it a lot!!

It was so great to get your entries from all over the country. You made me wish I could’ve given all of you a board! I hope to hold another cool contest like this in the future, so I’ll keep you in the loop.

I'd like to once again thank Christian Budroe of CSH who teamed up with us to offer this board.

Thank you!
Thank you Christian Budroe of CSH!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Sellers Library Teens: Check These Out!

Sellers Library Teens: Check These Out!

Sellers Library Teens: Check These Out!

Sellers Library Teens: Check These Out!

POSER Sightings

It's been really exciting to receive everyone's texts and emails about Poser sightings at bookstores across the U.S. This one was taken by Judy at BooksAMillion in the Sawgrass Mills Mall in Florida. Thank you to everyone who's been sending them!!

Poser at BooksAMillion, Sawgrass Mills Mall, Florida

POSER Sightings

It's been really exciting to receive everyone's texts and emails about Poser sightings at bookstores across the U.S. This one was taken by Judy at BooksAMillion in the Sawgrass Mills Mall in Florida. Thank you to everyone who's been sending them!!

Poser at BooksAMillion, Sawgrass Mills Mall, Florida

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Note to self: NEVER Pack My Handwritten Manuscript in Checked Luggage!!

Sometimes I'm on top of my game, other times, I just don't think. And last week was one of those times.

I've been working on my latest manuscript, and am just around the halfway mark in the book. I like to write by hand, on those yellow lined pads. It's great, because you can't go back and edit, you just keep moving forward. The downside of course, is that it's the only copy. I've already spilled a full cup of Starbucks coffee on it at a coffee shop--the ink miraculously survived--so you'd think I'd have learned my lesson after that moment of panic.

However, I was packing in a hurry, and I had other work to do on the plane, so without thinking I just tucked the manuscript, all those many months of work, into my suitcase.

Merrily I made my way through one connection, arrived at my destination, and no bag. At that point, I hadn't remembered putting the manuscript in there. Several hours later, it was a different story. A call to the airport to check up on the bag's progress revealed that they had no clue where it was. It could be anywhere. India. China. Russia. Timbuktu. I started to go through what I had in there, and that's when I broke out in a sweat.

My precious manuscript!!

Two days followed with no news and a lot of phone calls. By now, I was just trying to be stoic. The worst part was, half of the writing in there I couldn't even remember, because in writing by hand I never go back over it.

Then, finally, the phone call came. Miss, we have found your bag. It is in San Francisco. It will be shipped to you on the next plane and delivered to your door.

I would've kissed the delivery man, except my sister happened to be on the driveway when he arrived, so I never got the chance. But I'll tell you this, I'm entering all that writing into my computer ASAP, and until then, it will be right there where I can touch it :D

 Here it is, yay!

Note to self: NEVER Pack My Handwritten Manuscript in Checked Luggage!!

Sometimes I'm on top of my game, other times, I just don't think. And last week was one of those times.

I've been working on my latest manuscript, and am just around the halfway mark in the book. I like to write by hand, on those yellow lined pads. It's great, because you can't go back and edit, you just keep moving forward. The downside of course, is that it's the only copy. I've already spilled a full cup of Starbucks coffee on it at a coffee shop--the ink miraculously survived--so you'd think I'd have learned my lesson after that moment of panic.

However, I was packing in a hurry, and I had other work to do on the plane, so without thinking I just tucked the manuscript, all those many months of work, into my suitcase.

Merrily I made my way through one connection, arrived at my destination, and no bag. At that point, I hadn't remembered putting the manuscript in there. Several hours later, it was a different story. A call to the airport to check up on the bag's progress revealed that they had no clue where it was. It could be anywhere. India. China. Russia. Timbuktu. I started to go through what I had in there, and that's when I broke out in a sweat.

My precious manuscript!!

Two days followed with no news and a lot of phone calls. By now, I was just trying to be stoic. The worst part was, half of the writing in there I couldn't even remember, because in writing by hand I never go back over it.

Then, finally, the phone call came. Miss, we have found your bag. It is in San Francisco. It will be shipped to you on the next plane and delivered to your door.

I would've kissed the delivery man, except my sister happened to be on the driveway when he arrived, so I never got the chance. But I'll tell you this, I'm entering all that writing into my computer ASAP, and until then, it will be right there where I can touch it :D

 Here it is, yay!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Poser Surfboard Contest Almost Over!

Hi! I hope everyone's having an awesome weekend.

The Poser surfboard giveaway will soon be coming to a close. We've had tons of entries from all over the country. It's been great to get all of your emails! If you still haven't entered and want to have a shot at winning the board, visit www.poserthebook.com for more information.

Here's a picture of me with the shaper, Christian Budroe. We're giving away one of these amazing boards! Good luck :D

Poser Surfboard Contest Almost Over!

Hi! I hope everyone's having an awesome weekend.

The Poser surfboard giveaway will soon be coming to a close. We've had tons of entries from all over the country. It's been great to get all of your emails! If you still haven't entered and want to have a shot at winning the board, visit www.poserthebook.com for more information.

Here's a picture of me with the shaper, Christian Budroe. We're giving away one of these amazing boards! Good luck :D

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I'm Glad to Finally Be Blogging :D

So many of you have great blogs out there. I really enjoy reading and following what everyone has to say!

Somehow it seems appropriate that today I'm finally entering the world of blogs myself. My first novel, POSER, came out this June.  I'm visiting my parents for the first time since then. I'm sitting typing this back in my childhood room, beside my bookshelf full of all my old favorite books. Their covers are worn out from being read and re-read. When I pick one up, I feel like I'm visiting old friends, favorite old places. Those writers had such a wonderful impact on my life. No matter what was going on, I always knew I could disappear into the pages of a book, and that is a wonderful thing.

When I arrived home, I found my parents had put my own book alongside them. I've done signings and readings, have seen my book in store windows and on the internet. However, seeing it there, on my shelf--I think that's when it really hit home. That other readers might be carried into my story. That I've been able to give back, just a teeny bit, in return for all those wonderful moments my favorite writers created for me.

I'm Glad to Finally Be Blogging :D

So many of you have great blogs out there. I really enjoy reading and following what everyone has to say!

Somehow it seems appropriate that today I'm finally entering the world of blogs myself. My first novel, POSER, came out this June.  I'm visiting my parents for the first time since then. I'm sitting typing this back in my childhood room, beside my bookshelf full of all my old favorite books. Their covers are worn out from being read and re-read. When I pick one up, I feel like I'm visiting old friends, favorite old places. Those writers had such a wonderful impact on my life. No matter what was going on, I always knew I could disappear into the pages of a book, and that is a wonderful thing.

When I arrived home, I found my parents had put my own book alongside them. I've done signings and readings, have seen my book in store windows and on the internet. However, seeing it there, on my shelf--I think that's when it really hit home. That other readers might be carried into my story. That I've been able to give back, just a teeny bit, in return for all those wonderful moments my favorite writers created for me.